Sustainability Policy
At Dynamic Development, we strive to build sustainability into our business wherever possible.
By rethinking, reducing and recycling, we’re doing our part to minimise the impact we have on the environment. Our changes may only be small ones in the overall scheme of the world, but the path to a cleaner and healthier environment, begins with small economical and sustainable decisions every day.
Paper & Ink
We aim to minimise the use of paper and ink, unless absolutely necessary, at which point, we do two-sided printing. We buy and use recycled paper, which is again recycled over, along with our ink cartridges. In order to minimise printing, our information records are safely and securely saved electronically (see our Privacy Policy) and instead of posting and packaging, again, unless necessary, we use email for all our communication.
Energy & Water
We aim to reduce the amount of energy used wherever possible. Lights and electrical equipment are switched off when not in use and heating is adjusted with energy consumption in mind.
Office supplies
We evaluate the environmental impact of any new products we intend to purchase and wherever possible, favour those products that are environmentally friendly and efficient. We reuse and recycle wherever possible.
We promote the use of travel alternatives such as video/phone conferencing facilities, whereby reducing the need for travel, unless absolutely necessary.
We commit to continually improving and monitoring our environmental performance.
Let’s get greener together!